Beiträge von yusaku


    Flo.33 postete
    hui, ein Italienisches mitglied! :D

    yes yes! I'm italian! :DD

    sorry.....but I don't understand!! :-'(
    btw, I don't looking for "Freu Pepperkorn", but for "Frau Pfeffertopf".
    This is an anime, jap name's Spoon Obasan, Ita name's "Lo strano mondo di Minu", french name's Madame Pepperpote.
    This is the italian song (it has the self melody):

    and thanks!

    Hi! I'm Yusaku
    I'm looking for this german song: "Frau Pfeffertopf".
    Could anyone help me, please?
    I have just tried with Google....Kazaa...and others...
    bye and thanks